Monday, November 29, 2010

Kick Ass Review

Okay, so I just realized that I forgot to review KickAss, so here goes. Kick Ass was actually good as an action movie, but it was really generic. You could relate to Dave(Kick Ass), but the action was overdone with a lot of things made of explodium, and a lot of unrealistic deaths, especially Big Daddy's . It was okay with plot, but could have been better. Maybe I should read the comics. Also I'm watching Date Night right now and I'll do that  soon.


  1. That review was pretty kick ass

  2. @ Pistowie's comment.

  3. It's supposed to be over the top and unrealistic, so I guess you can say it hit it's target.

  4. not to be the nerd that says its not as good as the graphic novel but....its not as good as the graphic novel.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I guess your right Vapor, but did they need to cut plot. Also, I haven't read the graphic novel yet so I can't say anything about that, yet.

  7. I haven't seen Kick Ass yet, but it does seem pretty entertaining. After reading this I'll probably put it lower in my priority list lol.

  8. kickass is a pretty cool movie, at least i thought so. nicholas cage character is probably the best. kick ass character sucks, imho...

  9. Told ya so. :P
    Maybe they were building it up too much, so everybody had such high expectations. :S
