Saturday, January 15, 2011

Rigor's Insane Theories of Insanity- Head In a Box

If you cut someone's head off can't you keep it alive if you pump a form of nutrient filled oxygenated blood into them. Some French doctors tried this during the French Revolution but couldn't get any results since the French had to have the dead's coffin be walked over a cemetery before doctors could work on them. couldn't we try this now?


  1. I don't think thats possible...
    The blood contains more than just nutrients and oxygen..

  2. I could see it being possible, but not in the manner you described.

  3. give me your address. we will make you a test subject. I do a blog because you will be dead, and we can have daily updates. This is an excellent idea, it will be fun and exciting!

  4. hmmm... i volunteer my ex girlfriend for the test... she doesn't have a heart and her brain still works, so i'd be interested to see how this goes...

  5. I'm saving a big pickle jar, just in case.

  6. Question is why would we want to try this? Why not just keep the body?

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